WhatsApp Messenger

In today`s communication landscape, users crave convenience and familiarity. The WhatsApp Messenger module for System Business capitalizes on this by seamlessly integrating WhatsApp into your platform. This powerful feature empowers you to connect with your users on their preferred channel, fostering stronger engagement and boosting overall user experience.

Rs 1,500 /Month Rs 15,000 /Year

Streamlined Communication for Improved User Experience

Imagine a scenario where users receive critical updates, appointment reminders, or personalized notifications directly on WhatsApp. The WhatsApp Messenger module makes this a reality. By leveraging event-triggered notifications, you can automate communication and ensure users stay informed about important developments within your application. This not only streamlines communication but also reduces the need for users to navigate through multiple channels, resulting in a significantly enhanced user experience.

Customizable Notifications for User Preference

The beauty of the WhatsApp Messenger module lies in its user-centric approach. Users have complete control over their notification preferences. A dedicated settings section allows them to easily toggle on or off event notifications based on their communication needs. This level of customization empowers users to stay informed while eliminating information overload, fostering a more satisfying user experience.

Simplified Configuration and Management

Integrating the WhatsApp Messenger module into your Systematic business platform is a breeze. The module offers a user-friendly configuration process, allowing you to effortlessly set up your WhatsApp Business number and manage notification triggers. With clear instructions and intuitive functionalities, you can be up and running in no time, ensuring a smooth and efficient implementation process.

Unleash the Power of WhatsApp for Enhanced User Engagement

By incorporating the WhatsApp Messenger module, you unlock a vast potential to connect and engage with your users on a deeper level. This powerful tool fosters real-time communication, streamlines information delivery, and empowers users with control over their notification preferences. Ultimately, the WhatsApp Messenger module empowers you to create a more engaging and user-centric experience within your Systematic Business application.

Why choose dedicated modulesfor Your Business?

With System Business, you can conveniently manage all your business functions from a single location.

Empower Your Workforce with System Business

Access over Premium Add-ons for Accounting, HR, Payments, Leads, Communication, Management, and more, all in one place!

  • Pay-as-you-go
  • Unlimited installation
  • Secure cloud storage
Rs 1,500 /Month
Billed monthly, or Rs 1,500 / if paid monthly
Rs 15,000 /Year
Billed yearly, or Rs 15,000 / if paid yearly

Why choose dedicated modules for Your Business?

With System Business, you can conveniently manage all your business functions from a single location.


Rs 1,000 /Month Rs 10,000 /Year
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Call Hub

Rs 1,800 /Month Rs 18,000 /Year
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Rs 2,000 /Month Rs 20,000 /Year
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Side Menu Builder

Rs 5,000 /Month Rs 50,000 /Year
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To Do

Rs 1,500 /Month Rs 15,000 /Year
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Workflow Automation

Rs 2,000 /Month Rs 20,000 /Year
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